NIOS Valid In Neet Exam 2024; Big News From SC,NIOS Valid In NEET UG Exam

NIOS Valid In Neet Exam 2024; Those Student Who Want To Apply For NEET UG 2024 And Have Done Intermediate From NIOS Are Eligibile to Give Exam Because Supreme Court Has Changed His Decision Which Is Given 27 Year Ago.

NIOS 12th Degree Valid In Neet Ug 2024

A Big Breaking News Coming From Higher Court Of India That Any Student Who Have Done Intermediate From Distance Education i.e NIOS Board Can Give Exam Of Neet And Become Doctor.

Distance Education 12th Degree Valid In Neet Ug 2024

Previously MCI Ban Student Of NIOS 12th For Giving NEET Exam. Most OF the Student Goes to High Court And High Court Of  Delhi Allows Student To Give Exam But MCI Goes TO Supreme Court To Stop Decision Of Delhi High Court To Give Distance Intermediate Student to Give NEET UG Exam.

NIOS 12th Decision For Neet UG 2024 By Supreme Court 

The Judgement Of Honourable Supreme Court Must Be Good For Many Poor Student Who Dropped HIs/her Education In Middle Path. And After Some Year again appear to give Intermediate.But Previously They Cannot Give NEET UG Exam To Become Doctor. But Supreme court Has Passed The Historic decision That Any Student Who Have Done Intermediate From Any CBSE OR State Affilation NIOS Board Can Give NEET Ug 2024 Exam.

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Que – Does NIOS Intermediate Student give NEET Exam ?

Ans- SUpreme Court Has Changed HIs 27 Year Previous Order And Now Student Of NIOS Eligible TO Give NEET UG.

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